Julia Tulley Photography | Chicago Children's Photographer »

And now, for my founding story

Hello!  I’m so excited to welcome you to juliatulley.com!  I hope you will stay awhile and take a look around my new cyber home.  This new home is the culmination of nearly six weeks worth of long hours at the computer… rants, frustration, and quite a lot of general muttering to myself  (I am without a doubt, way too technically inept to be a part of my generation.)  During this time, my family has admittedly existed on take-out, the dog has missed a few walks, and my three year old has produced a wall of artwork as he sat on the office floor by my side while I worked (often while still in his pjs, because dressing the two of us was outside the realm of what I would deem necessary at the time.)  And oh the amount of spilled paint that occurred during some of those art sessions… blue hand and footprints everywhere… at least it resulted in a few sweet post-bath photographs.

While this is just a small step in what I hope to be a long journey, it marks a very special moment for me, because I finally am ready to announce myself and my business.
Ever have that feeling of “I’m supposed to be doing something more?”  Years ago I listened to Colin Hay sing “Waiting for my real life to begin” and thought “yes, I am.”  I have spent the last decade thinking about how to make this dream a reality.  Thirteen months ago my husband Chris and I sat on our balcony late one night (and by late I mean 9pm after putting our son to bed, because these days, that’s how we roll) and it was over a  couple of beers that the idea to finally move forward and pursue photography professionally took root.  I literally had no idea how I would make it happen at the time, and it was several months before I felt brave enough to tell anyone my plans, but I remember going to bed that night with a sense of peace and relief, as if things just kind of made sense.  Those who know me will not be surprised to hear that a whole lot of book reading and research followed (want to know how companies like Starbucks, Amazon, or Stoneyfield got started?  I can now tell you!  There was also legal, tax, and accounting information I had to learn about, all of which I actually kind of wish I didn’t know about) and of course, the no-small task of vastly improving both my photography and editing skills.  It has not been an easy road… but what kind of blows my mind, is all that has occurred over the past thirteen months, all that I have learned on both an artistic and a business level, all the AMAZING clients that I have had the pleasure of working with and even becoming friends with, and how quickly it has all progressed.   And when I think… it only took thirteen months to get here!  Well, thirteen months plus a decade.
I know I am not alone when I say I am still slightly terrified of putting myself and my work out there for the world to form their opinions of (and their opinions of me)… but I am also crazy thrilled to say-

Let’s go take some photos together!  Give me a call friends!


Uncle Chris - September 7, 2012 - 7:28 am

Congratulations! I think that it is great. So many people never find work they love. And the few that do rarely follow through. Doing the work you love to do and I bet the money will follow. I have seen it before.

Colleen & Frank - September 7, 2012 - 9:21 am

We’re so glad you listened to your gut and followed your heart, you are truly talented and have a borderline certifiable work ethic 😉 – a winning combo.
If you’re doing something that you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. Someone wiser than me said that. xx

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