Julia Tulley Photography | Chicago Children's Photographer »

10 on 10: Embrace the grain


Welcome to another installment of 10 on 10.  This month’s topic is embracing grain.  Grain is the (often unwanted) result of shooting in low light and setting your camera to a high ISO.  (Technically, grain is produced on film, and what we are seeing in digital images is “noise”, but they both result in a pixelated look that, if not used intentionally, can ruin an image.)
This month, our blog circle choose to intentionally shoot in low light, and to use this noise to enhance our images, thus “embracing the grain.”  My collection of images were shot over the past two days, all taken from the time just before to just after sunset, when light is very limited although still available.   All of these were shot with a minimum ISO of 1000, with the later images shot at ISO 5000.


And now, please continue with me on our journey and travel over to Brooklyn, New York to see Kelly Patton’s (of K. Rox Photography), take on embracing the grain!


Alex Rickard - March 10, 2013 - 5:08 pm

Such beautiful images! I love the train ones, my son was the biggest Thomas fan! x

Kelly Patton - March 10, 2013 - 9:50 pm

Julia, you never cease to amaze me. As usual, these images are splendid, beautiful and so creative. Love this gorgeous set!

Jenny Owens - March 11, 2013 - 3:57 am

What a gorgeous set Julia. I love his little toes and the dinosaur especially.

[…] take a look at Julia Tulley's work by clicking on this link, and then follow the very short blog circle around to see how other photographers have interpreted […]

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